
This is a now page, inspired by Derek Sivers. Suppose you see someone after a while, they ask you "What's up?". The now page should be able to answer that for all of your internet friends. If you have a blog, maybe you want to consider letting your friends know what you're up to with a now page.

Updated Apr 7, 2024

I'm practicing for Sun Run, a yearly 10k running event in Vancouver. I've never run a 10k before, and I've been out of shape for some time. Signing up for this event motivated me to take my physical health more seriously and it's been an enjoyable journey seeing my progress over time.

I finally stopped procrastinating and booked some practice driving sessions to exchange my driver's license for the Canadian one.

I read 11 books last year, most of them were non-fictions. This year I decided to read fewer new books. Instead I want to re-read some old books and take action on them, rather than using book count as a vanity metric.
Currently I'm re-reading Atomic Habits to help me establish some habits prioritizng healthy eating and excersizing. I'm also reading Radical Candor, loved the first chapter so far.

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